
Do You Need an English Version of the Site?

22 апреля 2007 // Хельги

As you may have noticed, some parts of Warm Land can be viewed in English language. The only module translated decently is the library, whereas other don't change if you switch the language.

Initially I planned to translate the entire site (save for my writings in Russian, of course) in English, making it multilingual like major industry leaders do. Due to lack of time, laziness, and absence of requests, however, I abandoned this idea and left the thing as they were back then.

Recently a thought came to my mind: why can't I just remove the switcher and forget the multilingual hell once and forever? It does bug me, and no one seem to need the English version.

So if you, the reader, have at least some need in the English version of the site, please let me know about that.

Редакция от 16 сентября 2008
Тэги: en, indiana, объявление
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