Fingertip v1.0 beta 2 [Apr 27, 2004]
This version is a 'release candidate'.
- Mod: text in the Command field is selected automatically when the control gets focus, just as in the Caption field.
- New: now \t in the caption is displayed as tabulation in the List Menu.
- New: the fixed set of icons added.
- Mod: the Options dialog is now called the List.
- New: the Help command on the Application Menu.
- Mod: e-mail addresses changed to fingertip-home@narod.ru.
- New: three sections added to the help file.
- New: the Command text box replaced with a combo box containing Start > Run MRU List.
- New: icon sets added.
- Fix: Double-clicking the icon now works only if there are no open dialogs.
- Mod: the code cleaned up.
Fingertip v1.0 beta 1 [Mar 6, 2004]
Quite stable.
- Fix: it is possible now to add an item to the empty list.
- Fix: Application Data\Fingertip directory is now created automatically (whether doesn't exist).
- New: the Options dialog restores its position on opening.
- New: File is written each time the user closes the Options dialog.
- New: the Test button added to the Item dialog box, which allows to check if the entered command works.
- New: Creating the Shutdown key under HKCU\VB and VBA Program Setting\Fingertip causes the application to shut down.
Fingertip v1.0 alpha 1 [Feb 29, 2004]
The initial release.
- New: basic functionality, such as tray icon, list handling, menu populating and shell execute.
Last modified on Tuesday, May 11, 2004 Copyright © 2004 Oleg Frantsuzov.